I’ll tell you what we want, what we really, really want…
If we learned anything from the Spice Girls, it’s that what women really, really want isn’t always a diamond tiara or a four-star meal. Sometimes, what a woman wants is more practical, especially if the woman happens to be a mom. This Mother’s Day, pair your gift box with the princess treatment to leave overwhelmed, exhausted moms feeling truly loved.
Peace and quiet
Unless you’re a mom, it’s hard to appreciate how noisy motherhood is. By 10 a.m., you’ve heard your name repeated so many times, it doesn’t even register anymore. Then, there’s the banging of pots and pans, the honking of toy car horns, the squabbling of siblings, the never-ending inner monologue reminding you of all the things you’ve got to get done. A little peace and quiet can go a looooong way for a weary mama.
Personal space
Sometimes, being a mom can feel like being a coatrack. You’re balancing groceries on both arms, looping purses and diaper bags around your neck, and stowing toys in your pockets. You’re likely to have hands-free breast pumps tucked into your bra and small humans bouncing on your hips. Try giving mom a little personal space to stretch out – and not just those few minutes she steals in the bathroom.
Moms make adulting look so simple. It’s easy to forget how much of an effort it takes. Today, lots of moms are working full- or part-time jobs while still maintaining many of the responsibilities around the house. Moms are chefs, stewards, consultants, chauffeurs, personal shoppers, housekeepers, personal bankers – you name it, moms are doing it. Often, we’re doing it without much acknowledgment. Take a moment to let mom know that you see her and you see all that she does to keep the world running smoothly.
How many times has mom brought you a snack? Run the bath water? Brought warm clothes fresh from the dryer? Scratched your back or kissed your boo-boos? Moms are in the business of pampering. How about a little reciprocation? Breakfast in bed. A scented bubble bath. Even an amateur manicure. There are dozens of ways to give mom the pampered treatment she deserves.
The perfect pump
If mom is nursing, nothing will make her day like the perfect pump. Breastfeeding is a rewarding act of love that offers babies the best possible nourishment while instilling a tender bond between mother and child. That being said, breastfeeding can also be exhausting and uncomfortable. A high-quality breast pump ensures mom is comfortable and relaxed while she’s pumping between nursing sessions. And like all the other ideas on this list, for most moms, the perfect breast pump is totally free. Why? Because the Affordable Care Act requires health insurance plans to provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the duration of breastfeeding. That’s right. Your health insurance plan must cover the cost of a breast pump, and at Milk N Mamas Baby, we offer the best breast pumps on the market.
Talk to our customer care representatives to find the right breast pump for your needs
We’re here and happy to help nursing moms find the best pump for their circumstances. Get in touch today to learn more.