Figuring out the ropes of breastfeeding can be a challenge even under ideal circumstances. If you’re a new mom in the military, it can be downright daunting. Between long hours, unpredictable schedules, and the stress of deployment, how do you find the time and energy to breastfeed your baby as often as you’d like and for as long as you plan? Even when the odds are against you, military moms have a powerful ally in TRICARE, an essential healthcare program that provides comprehensive medical coverage to service members, veterans, and their families.
How does TRICARE help military moms on their breastfeeding journey?
TRICARE provides access to high-quality healthcare to service members and their families, regardless of where they’re stationed or what their needs are. This is particularly important for new moms in the military, who face unique challenges related to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For example, TRICARE covers the cost of breast pumps and supplies, which can otherwise be a significant financial burden for many young, enlisted families. Military moms can get the equipment they need to breastfeed successfully, even if they’re stationed far from home.
In addition, TRICARE provides coverage for lactation counseling and other types of breastfeeding support, which can be critical for new moms struggling with latching difficulties, low milk supply, or mastitis. With the help of TRICARE’s coverage and support, military moms can overcome obstacles to achieve their breastfeeding goals, even in the face of the unique demands of military life.
Why is breastfeeding support important for military moms?
The Military Health System recognizes a wide range of breastfeeding benefits for both moms and babies. Breast milk provides a unique combination of nutrients that can help boost a baby’s immune system, promote healthy growth and development, and reduce the risk of a range of health problems, including allergies, asthma, and ear infections. For moms, breastfeeding can help promote bonding with their babies, reduce the risk of postpartum depression, and may even help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
However, if you’re a military mom trying to balance demanding work hours and your new parenting role, breastfeeding can feel next to impossible. Breast pumps can be incredibly helpful in these cases. They make it possible for hard-working moms to express breast milk at their convenience and store it for later use. This can be especially helpful for military moms who may be away from their babies for extended periods of time. By providing affordable, accessible breast pumps, TRICARE helps you stick with your goals and provide the best nourishment for your newborn.
How can military moms get their TRICARE-covered breast pumps?
TRICARE covers a range of breast pumps, including electric, manual, and hospital-grade pumps. All you need is a prescription from a healthcare provider and an approved supplier, and you’re in luck: we’re approved suppliers who can even get your prescription for you so you don’t have to. Thanks to our partnership with TRICARE and its regional contractors TRICARE East, TRICARE West, and TRICARE Overseas, we can provide Elvie, Willow, and other popular breast pumps at no cost to qualifying moms. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed and in need of guidance, our caring customer service representatives are always available to offer personal and compassionate support.