When was the first breast pump patented?
For most of human history, breastfeeding was the only way to nourish a new baby. Even breast pumps are older than you might think. The first pump was patented in 1854, and it was generally used as an aid for mothers with inverted nipples or for infants who were too frail for breastfeeding. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was a lifesaver for families who needed it.
Do all moms pump?
According to the 2005–2007 Infant Feeding Practices Study II (IFPS II), nearly 9 in 10 breastfeeding mothers had successfully expressed milk at some point during the baby’s first year. Many of those moms used a breast pump regularly. In some cases, they fed their infants exclusively pumped milk.
How are today’s breast pumps different?
Breast pumps have improved steadily over the years, becoming more comfortable as they became more commonplace. Today, pumps come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and suctions. While hospital strength double electric breast pumps are still better used at home, many new pumps are silent, discreet, and portable. Women can even pump in their nursing bras without cords or bags to draw attention.
What are the benefits of breast pumps?
Breast pumps aren’t always necessary, but they offer a lot of benefits. If you’re a military mom or a mom who has to return to work early, a breast pump makes sure your baby doesn’t miss out on all of the nutrients only found in breast milk. If you experience frequent engorgement, pumping offers relief. On the flip side, regular pumping can help to keep your milk supply up if you’re worried about your production. It’s also great to have on hand if you have to give up breastfeeding suddenly and need to slowly back down your supply.
Are there other revolutions in the history of pumping?
Definitely. Our company’s history is rooted in revolutionary ideas where pumping is concerned. Our founder Krisi LaMont lobbied on behalf of nursing moms for insurance to cover breastfeeding equipment before the ACA required it. Our women-lead team continues to advocate for mamas and babies every day, one mother at a time.
What are the most revolutionary breast pumps?
In terms of space age technology, the Elvie Stride probably wins out. You can pump directly into your bra using an app on your phone. However, pumps like the Spectra S1 are truly revolutionary in their ability to help mothers who may require hospital strength suction. The most revolutionary pump for any mom, though, is the one she feels comfortable with. Need help finding your breast pump? We’re here for you. Give us a call or email today.