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Caring for Baby around the Holidays

Don’t you just love the holidays? This time of years gives us a chance to reunite with friends and family and remember all the good times we had together. Unfortunately for new moms, the holiday season may not be quite as enjoyable. The holidays can be quite a busy time, and as the mother of a newborn, your stress level is probably already through the roof. Here are a few tips from Milk N Mamas Baby to help you get through this holiday season without spreading yourself too thin or sacrificing the crucial care and attention your new baby needs.

Let Someone Else Host

If you’re accustomed to hosting friends and family during the holidays, it can be hard to let go. Of course, your brand new baby needs attention more than your circle, and nobody will think any less of you if you abdicate your hosting duties during baby’s first year. When the party’s at someone else’s house, you retain the option of ducking out early if things get too hectic for you and the baby, plus you won’t have to worry about cleaning up after everyone else leaves!

Breastfeeding during the Holidays

Your baby needs to eat on a regular schedule and missing feedings can be bad for your health, potentially leading to blocked milk ducts or even mastitis, a painful infection of the breast tissue. But what’s a new mom to do when baby’s usual feeding time falls during the family meal or some other inconvenient time? The short answer is simple: feeding your baby should be your priority, no matter what time of year it is. It’s important to stick to a schedule, even if it means leaving the room for a bit while your family does other things. Most likely, they will understand and encourage you to do whatever you must to take good care of their newest family member.

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

Before you set out on any holiday adventures, you and your partner need to get on the same page about boundaries related to how much contact family members should have with your new baby. Your family will no doubt be excited to meet your new addition, but if baby starts to get fussy, it might be a good time to reinforce those boundaries. If the little one is getting overstimulated, it’s probably best that you politely let your family know it’s time to give mom and baby some space.

The holidays can be a lot of fun but they can also be tremendously stressful, even without a new baby in tow. We hope that these tips will help you manage that stress so that you and your baby can have a joyous holiday season. Of course, accessories like nursing bras and automatic breast pumps can go a long way towards reducing your holiday stress. Before you close your browser, don’t forget to take a look at the range of products we sell here on our site at Milk N Mamas Baby. We’ve got lots of convenient products that can make your holiday season easier to manage, and you may be able to get some items for free through your health insurance. From all of us at Milk N Mamas, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!

