What do you need for a baby?
Congratulations Mama! You are going to have a baby! It’s a wonderful, joyous time for you! As exciting as this time is, it’s also time to be thinking about what you need for a baby. If this is your first baby, it can seem overwhelming. We are here to help and support you in this journey. Here is a list of some things that you will need for a baby.
Crib or Pack n Play
Some parents like to have both or at least just one in the beginning for the baby to sleep. Some parents like the pack n play because it can be smaller and more portable. If you plan to have the baby in the room for the first few months, this would be a great option. Make sure to grab sheets that fit snuggly against the mattress.
When it comes to clothes, you can never go wrong with onesies and sleepers for the first few weeks. For size, have a couple newborn on hand, and get more 3 months, as babies tend to grow out of them quickly. Sleepers, onesies, pants, and socks are ideal for newborns. For onesies, its good to have short sleeve and long sleeve.
Car seat
A Car seat is very important. Before you leave the hospital, your car seat has to be inspected by a healthcare professional to make sure it fits right and that it is installed correctly. Most parents like to get an infant car seat with a handle, as it does help protect the baby and is helpful when carrying a newborn.
Swaddles/Sleep sacks
When putting your baby to sleep, they will most likely want to be swaddled. You can buy swaddles with Velcro that are adjustable. They provide added comfort and making swaddling easy. Some babies do not like to be swaddled and might like a sleep sack better. Sleep sacks help keep your baby ventilated and warm, without the worry of a loose blanket.
Pacifiers (If you plan to use them)
Some parents like to hold off on giving a pacifier as it can be confusing for babies to decide if they are hungry or not, especially when you are breastfeeding. Whether you plan to use them or not, it’s good to have just in case.
Changing station – Diapers, wipes, changing pad, diaper cream
A changing station sure makes for an easy clean up! Most pack ‘n’ plays come with a little changing table adapter to add on to it. If not, grabbing a comfy changing pad to have in the area where you will be changing the baby is perfect. Diapers and wipes are definitely a need, along with some diaper cream. It’s always good to have some diaper cream in case a rash flare up. A diaper pale, the final resting place for your endless dirty diapers is a must have.
While babies cannot sleep with lose blankets, it’s good to have a few baby blankets on hand for either a car ride, to lay on the floor for tummy time, or for just cuddling with your sweet little baby.
Whether you plan on breastfeeding, formula feeding or doing a combination of both, it’s always good to have bottles and nipples on hand. Nipples come in different shapes, sizes, and flow rates. Familiarize yourself with the options that are available to you when shopping for your bottles and nipples. Some nipples are created for breastfed babies, others for premature babies or babies with feeding challenges. What works for one infant may not be ideal for another. Starting out with a slow flow rate nipple is ideal for most babies.
Breast pump & accessories
If you’re a Mama that plans on nursing, it is always a good idea to have a breast pump. Breast pumps help you better establish your milk supply. You can pump while leaving your baby with your partner or caregiver. When you are planning to go back to work, it’s a good idea to start pumping and storing your supply prior to your return to work. Most breast pumps, come with different flange sizes, make sure to ask your healthcare provider to assist you with flange sizing. Be sure to replace your tubing, backflow protectors, valves, and membranes regularly for optimal breast pump performance. If you are in the market for a 100% insurance covered breast pump, we are here to help. Simply fill out our insurance sign up form. We’ll get to work on delivering your insurance covered breast pump.